Al Istiqlal Library


proceedings of the 2003 International Arab Conference on Information Technoloyg 004 / P R O
Sleepless in Gaza Israeli drone war on the Gaza strip 327.12/A B U
30 minutes- to manage information overload 650.1/C A U
Pulse and digital electronics 621.38195/G A U
Essentials of business driven information systems 658.403801/B A L
Information systems 658.4038011/B A L
U.S. national security policy and strategy : documents and policy proposals 355.033573/S A R
The Gutenberg galaxy : the making of typographic man 655.1/M C L
McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms R/503.21/M C G
Taking sides : Clashing views in science, technology, and society 303.483/T A K
Taking sides : clashing views on environmental issues 306.45/ T A K
information technology for management : digital strategies for insight, action, and sustainable performance 658.403/ T U R
The digital matrix : New rules for business Transformation through technology 338.06/ v e n
connected schools: thoughts leaders essays from innovators 371.334/c o n
Business Driven Information Systems 658.403/B A L
Using information technology : apractical introdction to computers and communictions complete version 005.7 / W I L
Information Technology for management 658.404 / L U C
Human resource information systems: Basic, Applications, and future directions 658.3 / K A V
Intelligent Technologies for information analysis: with 161 figures & 48 tables 004/ Z H O
Managing Information Technology 004/M A N
Emerging Informationn Resources Managment and Technologies 004.068 / E M E
University Efficiency in Business Administretion 658/ H M O
Managing information Technology 658.47 / B R O
computing essentials 005.1 / O L A
computing essentials 005.1 / O L A
Criminal justice 345/C R I
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